Phantom pain management nursing
Phantom pain management nursing

phantom pain management nursing

The impulses are generated in the brain by a widely distributed network called the body-self neuromatrix. Chronic pain is theorized to be a multidimensional experience caused by patterns of nerve impulses known as signatures. 86 The neuromatrix theory of pain expands the gate control theory to encompass chronic pain. All pain management requires a holistic approach especially chronic pain. By taking a proactive role in pain management, emergency nurses have a unique opportunity to make a meaningful difference for the majority of the patients they care for.Ĭhronic pain has become a common and difficult problem in today’s society and EDs. Emergency nurses are usually the first to assess and identify a patient in pain, can independently implement nonpharmacologic interventions, request analgesic orders from their physician colleagues, are primarily responsible for assessing the adequacy of any interventions, and have an opportunity to provide patient teaching at discharge to promote optimal management of pain at home. The ED nurse is often the patient’s primary advocate for achieving optimal control of pain. The ED nurse can and should play a key role in ED pain management. Although many strides have been made, the opportunity for maximizing pain control for the individual ED patient remains great. 61 Over the past decade, research and efforts to improve pain management have proliferated and resulted in increased attention to ED pain management.

phantom pain management nursing

In 2004 over 56% of ED patients in the United States presented with pain, 39% of these patients complained of either moderate or severe pain.

phantom pain management nursing

Pain is the most frequent complaint among emergency department (ED) patients, and traditionally pain has been inadequately treated for many patients.

Phantom pain management nursing